What is the Best Worm Composting Bin?


Real success for worm farming comes if you have the best worm bin for composting. When starting vermicomposting, your main aim is to see productivity. But how can you achieve by opting for just okay products when you can find the perfect one?. Of course, your dreams won't come through. Thus you must get a happy home for your slimy friends.

However, with so many brands of worm bins available in the market, it may be a daunting task for you to figure out the one you need. So in this post, I'll give you handy information about Urban Worm Bag, which is the best bin you won't go wrong with. If you have tried so many worm bin models with no success, don't give up yet. Give vermicomposting one more time with this most efficient worm bin.

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    What to Look for in the Best Worm Bin?

    Before we go any further, let's look at what's matters the most for worms to survive. Well, it's ventilation. Just like all living things, worms need adequate air to thrive. I'm sure you had come across "flow-through worm bins" when you were researching or watching YouTube videos, of which Urban Worm Bag is also on the world's top list of flow-through bins. 

    These days most people prefer this type of compost bin as it comes with plenty of benefits. With continuous flow vermicomposting systems, you don't have to work hard until harvest time. And the vermicomposting process is done within a short time. Let's look at the process of it's working.

    How to Use Urban Worm Bag?

    There isn't much to do after setting your Urban Worm Bag. You simply unzip on the top, add the items you want to compost, and zip it up. Then the castings are collected from the bottom. It's zipper underneath keeps compost and worm castings from falling out.

    This worm bin is not daunting like other stackable models where you need to take off and restack the trays, disturbing worms' growth. In short, the Urban Worm Bag is an efficient and easy to use worm bin available in the market. You don't have to exhaust your time trying to manage it.

    What I like about this model

    • Lifetime guarantee

    • It is effortless to assemble; you don't need any tools.

    • It has a sturdy metal stand.

    • Great price and value for bag and frame

    • The bag is huge enough to accommodate a larger amount of worms. 

    Why Urban Worm Bag Is The Top Pick?

    Urban Worm Bag is the top pick for best worm bins. It is not that other products don't meet vermicomposting standards, but this one has more advanced features that others don't have. It is super easy to use from feeding the worms until the harvesting time. 

    The Urban Worm Bag has even made a list in an NBC news article on composting (April 21, 2020). One other thing: Urban Worm company offers lifetime support. The manufacturer (Steve Churchill) has a Facebook group where he answers everything about his products. 

    If you want to purchase an Urban Worm Bag bag, you can visit their website here. And the good part is that they have a kit with everything on their site. A full startup kit includes a digital thermometer, worms, as well as bedding. 

    Benefits of Worm Composting

    Worm casting has so many benefits. Even when we try to compare it with regular composting, vermicomposting is more valuable. Besides being a free homemade fertilizer, here are some of its benefits to keep in mind.

    • It reduces landfill use.

    • Has a high rate of water holding capacity

    • Enhances plant germination and growth

    • Produces high yields of crops

    • Protects against pests and pathogens

    • Suitable for both indoors and outdoors

    • It has less odor

    Tips for the New Worm Bin Owner

    Once you purchase a worm bin and have your worms ready, there are 3 crucial things you mustn't neglect, which include: keeping your worm bin on a level surface, knowing the right amount to feed your worms, and learning what to feed.

    (i)Keep Bedding Level High

    Worms mustn't be fed with only food waste. But they should also get woody based material which can provide with carbon. Those carbon-rich items include coir-coconut fiber, shredded paper, newspaper, as well as wood shavings. That's where your worms will take a rest while there are not eating. And high levels of bedding will ensure a decomposition with good moisture control. Also, lots of bedding ensures that there's no bed smelling in the worm bin.

    (ii) Know the Right Amount to Feed Your Worms

    The most common mistake that new worm bin owners make is overfeeding. Of course, the excitement may lead you to toss everything into the bin; however, if you want your worms to thrive well, you must feed them the right amount of food. 

    Worms usually eat approximately their weight per day, meaning if you have 1000 worms, you can add up to half a pound per day. You can lower that amount a little bit rather than adding more food on top of that. As time goes on, you will get used to worms and know the exact amount they could consume.

    Overfeeding can affect your worms and bin to the extent that you can give up on worm farming. It can cause a terrible smell in the bin, excessive moisture, and some worms can even die. Check out below the type of food scraps to use when your worm bin arrives.

    (iii) Learn What to Feed

    It is essential to know the kinds of foods to provide your worms to remain healthy and thrive. Check below different items to feed your worms and other things you're not supposed to feed them.

    What to feed:

    • Paper

    • Cardboard

    • Eggshells

    • Leaves

    • Grass clippings

    • Fruits

    • Vegetables

    • Coffee Grounds

    Don't feed:

    • Dairy products

    • Meat

    • Grains

    • Oils

    • Spicy foods

    • Salty foods


    1.Do worm bins smell?

    Worm bin should not produce odor. It should smell like fresh soil in the garden. If your worm bin smells like poop, it's a warning that your system is off balance.

    2. Where should I keep my worm bin?

    You can keep a worm bin outdoors or indoors as long as the temperature is not too cold or too hot. So when you plan to put your worm bin outdoors, make sure that the area is not direct to the sunlight. It must be in a shady place because worms operate best in a cool environment.

    3. Where can I buy worms for the worm bin?

    You can buy worms from Urban Worm Company. They have different types of worms, including red wiggler worms. Or you can search for composting worms for sale near you on Facebook groups.

    4. What are the specifications of Urban Worm Bag

    Urban Worm Bag weighs 7.5 Pounds (without contents), and it is made of square shape.

    Final Word

    Overall, an Urban Worm Bag is the best worm bin to opt for whether you're a pro or have recently started your vermicomposting journey. When a product is recommended by 97% of users, it shows how worthwhile it is. If you have loved ones in the hunt for the best worm bin, feel free to share this post with them. And if you have any questions, just drop them in the comment section. Happy worm composting!!


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