Best Potting Soil for Your Plants


Potting soil plays a vital role in the health of plants and the rate at which they grow. It is specially formulated for containers, to provide excellent drainage, and enhance root development. When you buy potting soil, you must choose the appropriate type that your plants require. 

However, with so many options available in the market, it can be a daunting task to pick the right one. So to help you save your time comparing tons of products online, we've compiled the best potting soils suitable for different types of plants. 

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    Best For All Gardening Applications: Black Gold Organic Potting Mix

    Black Gold  potting mix is great to use anywhere you'd like to. Whether you want to bring back your sad plants or start seeds, you won't go with it. The soil consists of a variety of organic ingredients which have nutrients required for plant growth.

    Best For Containerized Plantings: FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest is a well known brand out there. Their potting soil is great for containers. It contains a blend of bat guano, worm casting, crab meal, and ocean fish. Combination of these ingredients provide optimum growth and plant support while controlling drainage and moisture.

    Best For All Plants: Mother Earth Terracraft Potting Soil

    The Mother Earth brand speaks for itself. This potting soil contains more nutrients to sustain plants without additional fertilizer. The soil is great for all plants and works for both indoor as well as out plants.  It drains well and retains good moisture. Moreover, this is a very large bag of potting soil at a decent price.

    Best For Pothos, Snake Plants, and Peace Lilies: Jessi Mae Potting Soil

    The most commonly seen problem with pothos, snake plants and peace lilies is root rot. This is usually caused by using heavy soil mix that retains a lot of moisture. Therefore, I recommend you to use Jessi Mae potting soil which is professionally formulated to provide  needed drainage, aeration, and proper nutrient uptake for plants to grow vigorously.

    Best For All Fiddle Leaf Figs: Premium Perfect Plants Soil

    Fiddle leaf figs thrive in well draining soil mix that is high in organic matter. This potting mix is made with various ingredients including coconut coir, perlite, and pine bark. These natural materials provide great aeration and drainage. Above all they provide sufficient nutrients required for plant growth.

    Best For for Planting or Repotting Money Tree: Rio Hamza Trading Soil Mix

    This soil mix contains perlite, peat, lime, worm casting, and bark nuggets. These are all natural ingredients that are best for money trees. The combination of these provide adequate water holding and supply nutrients to the plants.

    Best For Cactus & Succulent: Hoffman Organic Soil Mix

    This mix is specifically made to give succulents and cactus the drainage they need to thrive. It contains reed sedge peat, canadian sphagnum peat moss, sand, perlite, and limestone. The mixture of these ingredients also encourages growth, root development as well as maximum bloom. You can use this soil mix for both desert and jungle cacti.

    Best For African Violet: Miracle-Gro Potting Mix

    African violets require loose and well draining soil. This growing medium contains perlite, compost and sphagnum peat moss. All these ingredients allow a good amount of air to reach the roots. You can use this mix for potting or repotting both indoor and outdoor plants. It also contains ingredients that supply additional nutrients to the plants for up to six months.

    Best For Seed Starting: Espoma Organic Seed Starter Premium Potting Mix 

    Espoma organic starter mix  is specifically designed for starting seeds. You can use it for any type of seeds and switch to a specific blend of potting mix when transplanting your plants. It contains ingredients which absorb and help retain moisture required for seeds to germinate. 

    Best For Carnivorous Plants: Perfect Plants Organic Premium Mix 

    This is the premium grade mix any type of carnivorous plant needs to  thrive. It contains peat moss and perlite which encourages airflow around the roots and provides good drainage. Moreover, this medium is not mixed with fertilizer since carnivorous plants derive most of their nutrients from insects they consume.

    Best For for All Varieties of Bonsai Trees: Tinyroots Soil Mix

    Tinyroots soil mix is specially formulated for all types of bonsai. It contains natural ingredients including vermiculite, calcined clay,  frit, as well as sifted compost mulch. All these ingredients provide optimum growth and plant support, at the same time controlling moisture and drainage.

    Best For All Orchid Plant Types: Perfect Plants Potting Mix

    Perfect plants orchid potting mix is made of organic ingredients such as charcoal, pine, sponge rock, and coconut chips bark. This mixture helps orchid roots to grow stronger and  provides the plants with nutrients they need for growing.


    5 Best Fertilizers for Succulents 

    Best Grow Lights for Your Plants

    What is the Best Worm Composting Bin?

    How to Successfully Start Seeds Indoors


    1. You should check out organic products containing Dairy Doo. They have organic Seed Starter 101, FlowerDoo 201, VeggieDoo 301, Healthy Garden slow release fertilizer, Safe Green Lawn HousePlant Doo and Worm castings. All their products produce amazing results.


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